Monday 30 July 2012

Learning to work with peace and harmony is a dynamic, holistic and lifelong
process through which mutual respect, understanding, caring and sharing,
compassion, social responsibility, solidarity, acceptance and tolerance of diversity
among individuals and groups (ethnic, social, cultural, religious, national and
regional) are internalized and practised together to solve problems and to work
towards a just and free, peaceful and democratic society.

This process begins with the development of inner peace in the minds and hearts of
individuals engaged in the search for truth, knowledge and understanding of each
other’s cultures. and the appreciation of shared common values to achieve a better

Learning to work together in peace and harmony requires that quality of relationships
at all levels is committed to peace. human rights, democracy and social justice in an
ecologically sustainable environment.

Here is a song I found on youtube which conveys the same message...
Living with peace and harmony

1 comment:

  1. Releasing energy blocks can be a very gradual process for some and fairly explosive for others. Energy blocks are energy, and energy can't be created or destroyed. When you release blocks from your system that energy has to go somewhere and it may manifest as anger, pain, joy, happiness or any other emotion.

    ilchi lee chakra healing
